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Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs)

Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) allow companies to track and prove their renewable energy consumption, supporting the achievement of sustainability goals. Depending on geography, EACs include GoO, RECs, and I-RECs.

Learn how EACs work and how to get started.

Prove Use Of Green Electricity

Secure 100% Renewable Energy with Flexibility

Secure 100% Renewable Energy with Flexibility

Energy Attribute Certificates (EACs) are market-based instruments that certify electricity was generated from renewable energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal and hydropower. Each EAC represents the environmental benefits of one megawatt-hour (MWh) of renewable energy delivered to the grid.

For companies aiming to achieve their sustainability goals, buying EACs is a straightforward way to source green electricity and promote a clean energy transition.

EACs generate revenues for new and existing renewable energy producers and allow companies to prove that their energy consumption is derived from sustainable energy.

Elements of EAC Scheme

Elements of EAC Scheme

An EAC scheme consists of three core elements - a standard, a registry, and a market. Together, they ensure the integrity of the buyer's purchase.

GO2 Markets maintains access to national, regional, and global registries to facilitate cross-border and transnational transactions across schemes.

Let us know the locations of your energy consumption.

Access Global EACs Markets

Different Types of EACs

Different Types of EACs

Embed Additionality Into Procurement

Energy Ecolabels for higher environmental impact

Energy Ecolabels for higher environmental impact


An international nonprofit ecolabel for renewable energy, promoting sustainability and supporting climate projects.

Green-e Energy

A leading U.S. certification for renewable energy, ensuring strict environmental and consumer standards.

Milieukeur (SMK (Milieukeur))

Milieukeur certifies products and services in the Netherlands for meeting high environmental and sustainability standards.

GreenPower Australia

GreenPower Australia certifies renewable energy to reduce carbon emissions.

OK Power

OK Power certifies renewable energy for sustainability and environmental integrity.

Why Should Companies Buy EACs?

Why Should Companies Buy EACs?

  1. Help your organizations meet regulatory requirements

  1. Achieve voluntary sustainability targets

  1. Demonstrating a commitment to green energy and environmental stewardship

  1. Demonstrating a commitment to green energy and environmental stewardship

  1. Offset carbon emissions by supporting renewable energy projects

Why Should Companies Buy EACs?

Why Should Companies Buy EACs?

Help your organizations meet regulatory requirements

Help your organizations meet regulatory requirements

Help your organizations meet regulatory requirements

Help your organizations meet regulatory requirements

Achieve voluntary sustainability targets

Achieve voluntary sustainability targets

Achieve voluntary sustainability targets

Achieve voluntary sustainability targets

Demonstrating a commitment to green energy and environmental stewardship

Demonstrating a commitment to green energy and environmental stewardship

Demonstrating a commitment to green energy and environmental stewardship

Demonstrating a commitment to green energy and environmental stewardship

Offset carbon emissions by supporting renewable energy projects

Offset carbon emissions by supporting renewable energy projects

Offset carbon emissions by supporting renewable energy projects

Offset carbon emissions by supporting renewable energy projects

How does GO2 Markets support?

How does GO2 Markets support?

For companies looking to source RECs to green their energy consumption, we support with:

Tailored procurement strategies.

Align sustainability goals, budgets, and geographic preferences, with compliance to regulatory and voluntary standards.

Impact reporting and certification.

Demonstrate the environmental benefits of REC purchases with corporate sustainability disclosures in global initiatives like RE100 or CDP.

Market insights and risk management.

Optimize costs and secure long-term REC procurement in volatile markets.

We support producers with their portfolio of renewable energy assets, with:

Market access and monetization.

Connect with high-value buyers globally, maximize revenue potential through market optimization and strategic partnerships.

Certification and compliance support.

Navigate the certification process, ensuring compliance with national, regional, and international renewable energy market schemes to enhance marketability.

Portfolio management.

Seamless REC issuance, tracking, and trading through digital platforms, reducing administrative burden and ensuring transparency and traceability.

Common Questions

Common Questions

Are EACs the same as carbon offsets?

EACs are specifically tied to renewable energy production and are used to claim the use of renewable electricity. Carbon offsets represent a broader range of activities that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere.

Are EACs the same as carbon offsets?

EACs are specifically tied to renewable energy production and are used to claim the use of renewable electricity. Carbon offsets represent a broader range of activities that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere.

Are EACs the same as carbon offsets?

EACs are specifically tied to renewable energy production and are used to claim the use of renewable electricity. Carbon offsets represent a broader range of activities that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere.

Are EACs the same as carbon offsets?

EACs are specifically tied to renewable energy production and are used to claim the use of renewable electricity. Carbon offsets represent a broader range of activities that reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions from the atmosphere.

How are EACs tracked?

EACs tracking systems are electronic databases that register and monitor information about renewable energy generation and the associated Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). These systems ensure that RECs are only held by one organization at a time, preventing double-counting and ownership disputes.

How are EACs tracked?

EACs tracking systems are electronic databases that register and monitor information about renewable energy generation and the associated Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). These systems ensure that RECs are only held by one organization at a time, preventing double-counting and ownership disputes.

How are EACs tracked?

EACs tracking systems are electronic databases that register and monitor information about renewable energy generation and the associated Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). These systems ensure that RECs are only held by one organization at a time, preventing double-counting and ownership disputes.

How are EACs tracked?

EACs tracking systems are electronic databases that register and monitor information about renewable energy generation and the associated Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). These systems ensure that RECs are only held by one organization at a time, preventing double-counting and ownership disputes.

Can a single project generate both EACs and carbon offsets?

In most cases, a single project cannot generate both EACs and carbon offsets for the same environmental attribute to avoid double-counting. However, some projects may be eligible to produce either EACs or carbon offsets, depending on how they are registered and certified.

Can a single project generate both EACs and carbon offsets?

In most cases, a single project cannot generate both EACs and carbon offsets for the same environmental attribute to avoid double-counting. However, some projects may be eligible to produce either EACs or carbon offsets, depending on how they are registered and certified.

Can a single project generate both EACs and carbon offsets?

In most cases, a single project cannot generate both EACs and carbon offsets for the same environmental attribute to avoid double-counting. However, some projects may be eligible to produce either EACs or carbon offsets, depending on how they are registered and certified.

Can a single project generate both EACs and carbon offsets?

In most cases, a single project cannot generate both EACs and carbon offsets for the same environmental attribute to avoid double-counting. However, some projects may be eligible to produce either EACs or carbon offsets, depending on how they are registered and certified.

Interested in EACs?

If you would like to find out more about our services, we'd love to hear from you.

Get in touch and let us know how we can help.


Partner & Head of Sales and Trading - Energy & Climate Solutions


Partner & Head of Sales and Trading - Energy & Climate Solutions


Partner & Head of Sales and Trading - Energy & Climate Solutions


Partner & Head of Sales and Trading - Energy & Climate Solutions



Lead of D/A/CH Market
- Energy & Climate Solutions



Lead of D/A/CH Market
- Energy & Climate Solutions



Lead of D/A/CH Market
- Energy & Climate Solutions



Lead of D/A/CH Market
- Energy & Climate Solutions