
  • We work with sustainability champions and leaders around the globe to drive transformation towards a sustainable business model.
  • We collaborate with corporates, investors, and a portfolio of partners to support setting and achieving their sustainability objectives and support them in disclosing transparently their plans and targets.
  • We assess social and environmental impacts and build strategies to improve sustainability performance and enhance the resilience of the value chain against physical and transitional risks due to climate change.
Business partner exchanging their idea about the new project

Our Solutions

We support our clients with tailor-made solutions at every step of their sustainability journey.


Capacity building workshops


Research and Insights


Data collection and analysis


Strategy Development & Planning


Process optimization


Performance improvement


Engagement Program


Matchmaking for implementation partners

Scope of Work Photo

Our process

Charting a sustainable path

Assessing greenhouse gas emissions of products, services, and processes is the first step in designing an actionable climate strategy.

Our in-house expertise comprehensively evaluates emissions and environmental impact across your organization and value chain.

Why measure?

Assessing greenhouse gas emissions of products, services, and processes is the first step in designing an actionable climate strategy. Understanding your operations' ecological impact will help you meet the requirements of industry benchmarks and sustainability reporting guidelines such as CDP, TCFD, and CSRD. The results of our assessment are robust and can be validated using internationally recognized accounting methodologies: GHG Protocol, ISO 14064-1, ISO 14040, and ISO14044.

Our focus lies in:

Corporate Emission Calculation

Our Software-Aided Accounting Approach

  • Streamlines data collection and analysis
  • Delivers thorough documentation that is replicable for future reporting periods
Setting ambitious, science-informed climate targets is pivotal for any robust reduction actions.

Setting ambitious, science-informed climate targets is pivotal for any robust reduction actions.

Limiting the global temperature rise to below 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels is crucial to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. The Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) supports this goal by helping companies set emissions reduction targets that are consistent with climate science and aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement, as outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Why Set?

By defining what constitutes a science-based target, the SBTi ensures that corporate targets are in line with what is necessary to meet the Paris Agreement’s goals. We reference best practices, recommendations, and methodologies approved by the Science-Based Targets Initiative.




Modeling current carbon performance and forecasting ‘business as usual’ performance


Selecting target setting approach


Evaluating reduction methods and testing the feasibility of proposed target options, time frames, and strategies


Setting SBTs aligned with the most ambitious reduction scenario. Gaining leadership support and approval for implementation


Submitting them to the SBTI and supporting the approvals process.


Reviewing targets and progress annually

Carbon accounting provides your emission profile and uncovers your emission hotspots. After setting reduction targets, the next step is to take action to achieve them!

Carbon accounting provides your emission profile and uncovers your emission hotspots. After setting reduction targets, the next step is to take action to achieve them!

Our solutions help companies reduce environmental impact within their business operations and value chain. Depending on your company’s context, some actions can be implemented in the short, medium, and long term.

The action plan entails redesigning operations for process optimizations, eliminating/reducing high-emitting activities and materials, substituting with low-carbon alternatives, and engaging your value chain partners and key stakeholders.

The voluntary carbon market is one of the most viable options for companies seeking to contribute towards global climate action beyond their value chain.

The voluntary carbon market is one of the most viable options for companies seeking to contribute towards global climate action beyond their value chain.

  • We distinguish between projects within your value chain, known as carbon insetting programs; and Carbon Purchase Agreements (CPAs) for projects outside your organization’s boundaries.
Finance Diagram

Why Finance?

  • By investing in ‘verified climate contributions’, companies provide much-needed finance to support community and biodiversity projects worldwide.
  • The projects reduce, prevent, or remove emissions and create other social, ecological, and economic benefits related to the UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
  • We offer organizations the option to purchase ex-post credits (see section on carbon offsetting) and ex-ante credits. Ex-ante credits offer organizations a unique opportunity to participate in early-stage projects, co-design initiatives, and pioneer the field.

Carbon Insetting Programs

  • Reduction efforts within the value chain and supply chain transformations constitute carbon insetting. A company can directly fund and implement emissions reduction initiatives within its value chain rather than offset emissions through external projects.
  • Depending on your industry, carbon insetting can be a viable path for responsibly sourcing raw materials. For example, there is a huge opportunity for value chain activities that intersect with the Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector.
  • Insetting programs build supply chain resilience and stability and foster co-benefits such as increased biodiversity and livelihood security for the supply chain partners (e.g. farmers).

How does GO2 Markets support in designing insetting programs within the value chain:

  • Develop a tailored insetting strategy that aligns with your business goals and sustainability commitments.
  • Manage implementation of insetting projects, such as reforestation, sustainable agriculture, and renewable energy installations, to ensure high standards and deliver measurable results.
  • Ongoing monitoring, verification, and reporting of your insetting projects to ensure transparency and continuous improvement.

CPA, Carbon Purchase Agreement

  • Long-term climate contribution can be achieved by entering a carbon purchase agreement (CPA).
  • CPA is a multi-year forward contract in which the off-taker commits to purchasing carbon credits to finance new projects or expand existing projects.
  • Off-takers (buyers) enter CPAs to buy future carbon credits from offset projects, thus supporting a net-zero transition by de-risking climate action financing.
Finance Diagram

Play to your strengths by deciding your level of involvement with CPAs:

  • Collaborate on project development by transferring core competence and knowledge exchange.
  • Explore future investment and project finance opportunities to utilize your access to financial resources.
  • Earn potential exclusivity rights to the project for stronger branding
  • Invest consistently with sustainability strategy and brand narrative
  • Pool demand via industry-wide collaboration and consortium to set and achieve emissions-reduction goals
Report & Comply
Ensuring compliance with sustainability reporting guidelines and frameworks.

Voluntary disclosure (CDP, GRI, TCFD) and compliance reporting (CSRD) on sustainability performance have become imperative for companies long-term strategic foresight.

Why Report & Comply ?

Transparent communication and engagement are vital components of ESG strategy. Engaging stakeholders—from employees and customers to suppliers and investors—ensured credible and effective implementation. These sustainability standards provide insights into the risks and opportunities associated with ESG-related topics. In modular packages, we streamline data collection and submission processes to reduce the administrative burden on your team.

How does GO2 Market Support with Reporting:

  1. Identifying reporting gaps by thoroughly assessing your environmental impact and existing data.
  2. Gathering and managing data for accuracy and completeness.
  3. Developing a tailored reporting strategy that aligns with the standard’s requirements and your business objectives.
  4. Compiling and preparing your report, ensuring clarity, accuracy, and transparency.
  5. Support in handling the submission process, ensuring your report is filed in the correct format and on time.
  6. Providing follow-up support to address any feedback and help you plan for continuous improvement.

Start your climate journey with us

If you would like to find out more about our services, we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch and let us know how we can help.

Profile Image of Sara

Head of Advisory

Profile Image of Ingrid

Key Account Manager - Advisory

Profile Image of Giuseppe

ESG Consultant - Advisory

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